Families worldwide rely on nannies to take care of their young ones and keep them safe. Finding the right type of childcare is a struggle for most families. We make everything a lot easier .Some parents interview dozens of potential candidates before choosing one who is reliable and honest. Parents who choose to hire nannies on their own are not always satisfied with their services or qualifications. In this role, we will help parents to find the best maid for their family. We screen dozens or even hundreds of candidates, conduct background checks for you and help families find the right match. We are aware of the fact that Nannies spend hours with he children for whom they care. Everything they say and do may influence a child's behavior. Therefore, we carefully screen and interview each candidate to make sure she's a good fit.
Our screening process include:
· A detailed job application
· In-person interviews
· Professional Background and reference checks
We cover their professional background and create video introductions for each of them if the client requires. Before a childcare provider is placed with a family we make several round of talks to get a better picture of their strengths and personality traits.
We will not only interview candidates but also undertake reference checks. This way, parents have peace of mind knowing that their preferred childcare provider has been fully vetted before setting foot into their homes.
A list of nanny services may include:
Some families prefer to hire nannies who can do all the typical daily household chores
*Those who do housework typically charge more and their duties include apart from above list
· Clean the entire house
We understand that our role involves more than just promoting our services to potential clients but also listen to both parties, read between the lines and choose the right domestic helper for each family so they can build fruitful relationships. We will follow up to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Furthermore, we will offer ongoing support and assist families with domestic helper contracts, work requirements and other legal aspects.